How Much Cash Can You Earn and Still Be Eligible for SSI?

If you’re a beneficiary of Supplemental Security Income (SSI), understanding the income limits is crucial. SSI provides financial assistance to individuals who are older, disabled, or blind and have limited income and resources. Let’s dive into the details:

Who Is Eligible for SSI?

SSI benefits are designed for individuals who:

  • Have little or no income.
  • Lack substantial assets.
  • Are disabled or aged 65 or older.

Unlike Social Security benefits, SSI is a needs-based system. It supports those who haven’t paid into the system and require financial assistance for basic living expenses such as food, clothing, and shelter.

Income and Asset Limits for SSI Benefits

  1. Income Limit:
    • For 2023, an individual beneficiary cannot earn more than $1,913 per month.
    • Couples have a slightly higher limit of $2,827 per month.
    • Remember that SSI income limits change annually with cost-of-living adjustments (COLA).
  2. Asset Limit:
    • The maximum asset limit in 2023 and 2024 is:
      • $2,000 for individuals.
      • $3,000 for couples.
    • Assets include bank accounts, vehicles, and other valuable possessions.
  3. Work and Employment:
    • SSI beneficiaries technically cannot be gainfully employed.
    • Approval is based on the ability to work and the income/assets criteria.
    • The Social Security Administration considers both factors.
  4. Using ABLE Accounts:
    • Beneficiaries can explore ABLE accounts to work around income and asset limits.
    • ABLE accounts allow individuals with disabilities to save and invest without jeopardizing SSI benefits.

Benefits Reductions Due to Income

Once eligible for SSI, exceeding the income limits can lead to benefit reductions. It’s essential to balance financial stability while maintaining eligibility.

Remember, SSI provides vital support to those in need. If you have questions or need assistance, consult with a financial planner or a specialist in special needs financial planning. 🌟

I’ve outlined the income and asset limits for SSI benefits. If you have further inquiries or need personalized advice, consider seeking professional guidance. 🌟